Megdanu (Мегданъ)

Megdanu front
  • Mon - Sat

    08:00 AM - 03:00 PM

  • Beans - in-house roasted (soon available for sale)

    Brew bar - Chemex, French press, Aeropress

    Drink recommendation - Chemex

  • Central location

    Indoor seating available

    Outdoor seating (seasonal)



Megdanu is the first specialty coffee shop in the city of Blagoevgrad, which is located 1-hour away from the capital Sofia going south towards Greece.

The café location is at a very central junction - you can’t miss it. If you’re going by car there are plenty of public parking spots available around.

The café itself is small on the inside with a few bar seats available but during warmer months there’s also plenty of outside seating available.

What I loved here was the staff. Their dedication to the coffee shines through each drink they make. You can get the usual espresso bar offerings, but also a Chemex if you fancy one. There also are some nice lemonade and fresh-juice options available.

Such offerings and people make me super happy because only a mere 7-8 years ago it was near-impossible to find even a proper espresso outside the capital.

A must-visit if you're in town.

Last updated: 08 Oct 2023

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