Samurai Specialty coffee shop

  • Daily

    07:00 AM - 07:00 PM

  • Beans - Mabo Coffee Roasters (Romania)

    Brew bar - Chemex, V60, Aeropress, Cold brew

    Espresso bar recommendation - single shot espresso

  • Cozy atmosphere

    Great location

    Pastries options



I have a very personal love story with the city of Veliko Tarnovo. And I haven’t been there for many years until one sunny spring day in 2022 I was in the area and knew it was about time I pay Samurai a visit.

They are the first (and only, for now) specialty coffee shop in Tarnovo and the area and they have been doing an amazing work.

Located on a central street in the old part of the city, the place couldn’t be more picturesque. Stairs leading up to a front outdoor patio, recently opened second floor, lots of plants and amazing murals of samurai in full gear.

What made a really big impression was that you could feel everyone was part of the team. The atmosphere was so laid back and welcoming, it felt like I arrived home.

On the bar you can find Mabo Roasters (Romania) beans and all kinds of preparation methods. All that paired with something delicious from their food options. If you’re a coffee geek, like myself, I recommend talking to the people and asking for a pour-over recommendation.

Last updated: 11 June 2023 

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