Dabov Specialty Coffee

Angel Kunchev

Dabov Angel Kunchev
  • Monday - Friday

    09:00 AM - 09:30 PM


    10:30 AM - 06:30 PM

  • Beans - Dabov specialty coffee

    Brew bar - Chemex, V60

    Espresso bar recommendation - espresso

    *Summertime only - espresso tonic

  • Central location next to National Palace of Culture

    Inside seating available



It’s a less-known location but the same high-quality coffee and services that you’d expect from Dabov.

A big plus is the vicinity of the National Palace of Culture and its surrounding park.

As with any other location, I would recommend the cappuccino as it is silky smooth and delicious.

Grab a chocolate cookie with it too ;)

Last updated: 09 Sept 2023 

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